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UK ToyFair 2025: Stats. Show Review & UK Toy Market Outlook

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The UK’s Toy trade show, organised by the British Toy & Hobby Association has taken place at Olympia Exhibition centre this week.

My first surprise was to see that the massive building project adjoining the show halls didn’t appeared to have made that much progress in the year since we were last there, clearly there’s still some way to go on that project, but nevertheless the show went on and was by all means and measures a success.

Fundamentally this show is primarily an opportunity for UK focused Toy & Games companies to present their ranges (again!) to their retail customers. The show also therefore offers potential access to retailers of all sizes for newer companies who are still seeking distribution into retail. Running a start up myself some years back in time, we were packing up on the last day having had a very moderate show and wondering where we should go next to find a way into national retailers, and at the last possible moment John Lewis came on to see our products and ended up taking 4 of them, which at the time for a fledgling company represented a massive step up. Having worked in the corporate world with Hasbro and then sat in the same hall as a start up, I’m always aware of the leg up this show can offer the up and comers!



The BTHA in conjunction with Circana announced that total industry sales for 2024 were down by 3.7%, which does not surprise me in the weakest year for movies I can remember. I would expect 2025 to look more like the same percentage of growth as the market dropped in 2024, based on the much stronger movie slate alone. The other stat which was surprising in the report from BTHA & Circana was the proportion of the UK market which is Licensed – 35% is a massive market share for Licenses. This reflects two major characteristics of the UK market: 1. The Uk has always been among the strongest markets for Licenses in Europe, AND the KIDULT trend i.e. pop culture merchandise collecting is strong in the UK and the role of licenses in driving that market are clear.



These show reviews are always inevitably subjective, because we’re all there with different objectives, in different organisations meaning a different mix of people. My experience of this show was as per usual, really positive. I did not even have time to walk the show properly this year, there are large parts of the show, including a couple of major aisles I just didn’t get to, as I was far busier than expected talking to people on my way round.

I was asked to highlight the top products at the show, but honestly, I didn’t spend enough time looking at products to have an opinion, I was just meeting swathes of people. From these conversations there is no doubt that 2024 was a tough year for the UK Toy trade, and the general lack of ‘WOW’ in the market is clearly reflected in the small reduction in the total UK market size, but I also felt strong positivity and a lot of faith in the future.

This show was exactly a quarter of a century since I first stepped though the Halls of Olympia for this show. Over that time, I have done all the things you do when you are young – I have rolled out of the Hotel bar worse for wear at 4.30 or 5am, and then been on duty ‘suited and booted’ presenting to major retailers just a few hours later (and somehow made it through the day without being sacked). These days though, the joy for me is in seeing all the people I know from my journey through this industry. Amusingly I find myself sitting in quite a few meetings with old friends and colleagues thinking quietly to myself ‘Wow you look really old, I remember you when you were young.’ The best part about that is that obviously I am ageing too, and so everyone I am thinking that about is thinking exactly the same thing about me!



I’m predicting a return to moderate growth for the UK Toy market in 2025. The movie slate is strong, we’re long overdue a hot trend (although I can’t see what it is yet) and companies have made strong (if prudent) investment in product development for 2025. Let’s see how 2025 pans out…and now onto the big one, see many of you next week in Nuremberg!



I’ll be attending Spielwarenmesse-Nuremberg & New York Toy trade shows. I’ll be on a panel at Toy Business Forum in Nuremberg discussing India’s domestic Toy market and giving a presentation in New York on Sourcing Trends. Hope to see you there!



We represent the following factories both in and outside of China. All of these factories have the necessary certifications, have capacity, have a history of successfully supplying other Toy & Game companies:

Games factory in Vietnam – supplying cardboard, wood & plastic Games.

Games factory in India – supplying major Toy & Game companies with cardboard & plastic games.

Plastic & Electronic Toy Factory in India – major supplier, having supplied 4 out of 5 of the world’s biggest Toy Cos.

Plush factory in India - leading Plush factory with strong R&D skills.

Plastic Toy Factory in China (managed from Hong Kong) – strong track record of decades of supplying Toy companies around the world.

Board Games supplier in China – I have worked with this vendor for 20 years, they have supplied dozens of major & minor customers of mine.

Scooter & Trike vendor in India – my client is supplying tens of thousands of scooters & trikes into India’s domestic market each month and now seeking international opportunities on both an OEM and ODM basis.

If you would like more information on any of these factories or if you need help with a strategic approach to Sourcing or want to find specific factory types, please feel free to drop me a message.



We are representing a number of strong selling Games for international markets with established consumer demand in one or more markets. If you’re seeking proven Games to sell in your market/s please feel free to get in touch to arrange a meeting at one of the upcoming shows!



In the nearly 15 years I have been Consulting for, we have advised hundreds of companies, set up distribution into most major markets and helped to accelerate our client’s growth. For more information on how we can help, check out our services here: 


Sign up to our Free Toy Industry Journal e-newsletter for the latest articles, podcasts, trends and insights into what’s going on in the Global Toy & Games business, just click here to sign up: 



Global Toy Market 2025: Headwinds & Tailwinds

Sign up to our Free Toy Industry Journal e-newsletter for the latest articles, podcasts, trends and insights into what’s going on in the Global Toy & Games business, just click here to sign up: 



Happy New Year to readers of this newsletter, I hope 2025 is a great year for you all.

And as we head into this New Year it’s time to assess the factors affecting the Global Toy market in 2025. There’s a lot going on. One mistake would be to simplify things to a simple narrative of good versus bad years, but the reality of every year is that many companies and brands are up, and many are down, so a proper analysis should look at the positive and negative factors.

Looking into 2025 there is an interesting mix of factors and pressures likely to have an impact on our industry.



One definite tailwind heading into 2025 is a MUCH stronger movie slate. Following the well publicised disruption to cinematic output due to strikes in Hollywood in 2023, both the strength and number of movies released in 2024 was affected and this clearly had a big impact on the Toy industry. Traditionally going back in time to the pre social media and content proliferation times, a strong year for movies could increase the global market for Toys by high single figures percentages, and a weak year could move the needle just as far in the opposite direction. And, despite all the other forms of media available to consumers today, the movie slate is still a significant factor for driving Toy sales. In major English language speaking markets like the UK and the USA, more than 25% of Toys sold are licensed, and movie licenses are usually a big part of that.

The really good news for 2025 is that the movie slate for ‘Toyetic’ entertainment is very strong. The most important corporate movie studio for Toys is The Walt Disney Company, and their 2025 slate is good, with A Captain America movie hitting in Q1. There’s also a live action movie based on the much-revered Lilo & Stitch franchise landing in May – Hasbro’s range of Lilo & Stitch Toys which launched in 2002 was one of the first Toy ranges I worked on and has fond memories for me!

Following that there is a new Pixar movie – ELIO due to release in June 2025. Pixar has produced so many massive hits which have been very significant for Toy sales over the years, and often Pixar produces surprise hits, so let’s wait and see on this one. Following Disney’s acquisition of 20th Century Fox, they will also bring out a new movie featuring The Fantastic Four in July 2025, this will be an interesting opportunity for Disney to re-establish The Four as a major cinematic franchise. Following this there are also new instalments of Zootopia, Tron and Avatar.

There are of course other major movie studios, we’re not going to list all forthcoming movies for 2025, but some highlights include a Gabby’s Dollhouse movie and a new How To Train Your Dragon instalment.

In summary, while 2024 left many license focused Toy companies and retailers with a sales gap, 2025 should be much stronger, which represents a definite tailwind for 2025.



One of the biggest trends in the Toy business in the last 5 years or so has been the recognition of the ‘Kidult’ Toy market and the growth in this category. In November 2024, Circana reported that the UK Kidult market is now worth over £1bn British Pounds, which equates to nearly £1 in every £ spent on Toys in the UK (read Circana’s press release here):

Let’s just take a moment to consider that fact – nearly 1/3rd of the UK Toy market sales is now driven by Kidults. That is an incredible stat. I remember one of my first ever research projects for Hasbro back at the turn of the millennium was interviewing Adult Action Man Collectors. And back then, collecting Toy effigies of a topless muscular man was anything but mainstream for adults. Fast forward to today and we are truly in a new age.

When I walked round UK retail in December, it was really amazing to see the diversity of retailers now stocking Toys. Three particular highlights I observed: GAME (video Game store), HMV (general entertainment) & Sports Direct (sports clothing & equipment chain). All 3 of these retailers now have a significant Toy selection, much of which is clearly targeted at Adults.

The question though is how much further growth will be found in this space. All trends eventually reach their peak, and while I think there may be 1-2 years more growth via Kidults, we’re not looking at an endless upwards curve of growth.

One example from 2024 which really surprised me though was an item I saw on Hasbro Pulse – this is Hasbro’s own mostly Kidult targeted D2C channel. They had a $200 GI Joe vehicle of some description – and I was dubious as to how many of these they could possibly expect to sell – I mean a $200 vehicle; how many people are looking for that? And the reality was so far removed from what my limited imagination could think of – because there were 20,000+ people already signed up when I checked – so we’re looking at a $4m+ product with very high margins due to no retailers being involved, with virtually zero inventory risk as you only produce what has been ordered on that kind of product. Obviously if you have powerful brands like Hasbro, or like Mattel are deploying via their Mattel Creations platform then these opportunities are more lucrative of course.

One of the problems for some companies also is that some Toy categories transfer more easily to the Kidult space than others. If you have been making ELA products for toddlers, you have a bigger leap to make than a company focused on Action Figures. And if you don’t own any brands then you would need to license them in for the Kidult space which is going to affect profitability.

Nevertheless, the whole Kidult ‘thang’ is here to stay, and as such is such a significant part of the market now that is shouldn’t be ignored or dismissed as non-core.



The most recent US inflation figure I can find at the time of writing is for November 2024 putting the key rate at 2.7%, which is below the historical average, and as such appears to bring us to the end of the inflationary cycle caused by COVID-19 and all that came with and from that. So does that mean that consumers are now aflush with cash and spending like crazy – no it does not! The reality is that it does typically take a few years to rebalance wages with high inflation. So it’s not like we suddenly went from ultra depressed consumer spending to book conditions, but the economic pressure is not as strong as it was heading into 2023 and to a lesser degree 2024.

As such we should expect something more like ‘normal’ (if there is such a thing) consumer attitudes and behaviours in 2025 unless we hit some other unexpected ‘Black Swan’ event.

I would say that while we’re not likely going to see a strong tailwind on consumer spending in 2025, we should at least see positive momentum in terms of the removal of the headwinds which caused so many problems, especially in Q4 2022 when consumer demand completely failed to show up at the Toy aisle in a manner I had not seen before in 25 years in the Game.



One ongoing headwind for the world of Toys which it would be completely remiss of us not to look at is the birth rates in major Toy markets - which are frankly discouraging. The global birth rate currently sits around 2.25 according to the United Nations. That means 2.25 children born per woman globally, this is just above ‘replacement rate’ where population sustains and slightly grows. BUT the major issue is that most of the growth in population is currently coming out of Africa. The major Toy markets are not on a positive trend for birth rates – in Asia: Japan, China and South Korea have dreadful birth rates – South Korea’s rate plunged to 0.72 births per woman in 2023, with China (the world’s 2nd biggest toy market) sitting at a chronically unhealthy 1.45. In 2022, the countries of the European Union had an average birth rate of 1.46. In 2023 the U.K. hit a record low birth rate of 1.44. The USA (the world’s biggest and most important Toy market was at 1.78 for 2023, which is better than many others but still not great.

Why do all these gloomy demographic numbers matter? Well, we’ll look at one last metric to explain that – total global births peaked in 2012 at 146 million new Toy consumers being born. In 2023 that number was 132 million – which is a 10% reduction in the number of consumers to sell Toys to. In that circumstance, the only way to maintain market size is to either a). sell more Toys or more value to the same number of kids and families b). Sell more Toys to adults. So in other words, the considerable growth of the ‘Kidult’ space over the last decade or so has considerably masked a reduction in kids for us to supply with Toys.

The bottom line: negative birth rate trends are acting as a long term drag on the Toy business.



So the question becomes where is there any long-term growth to be had, if the Kidult space is maturing and if there are fewer kids for us to sell Toys to? Well, the logical answer to that is to look to under developed markets. 25 years ago when I worked for Hasbro, I remember a lot of talk about China’s growing domestic Toy market, and how important that could become. Lego has invested a lot of time, money and resources in establishing a large network of 480 Lego stores across China, as a result China is now a highly significant market for Lego.

Here’s the key question: Which countries/regions in the world with a lot of kids have been so far under served for Toys? There are only two answers of any scale: 1. India   2. Africa.

Let’s look at India first, with a population of c. 1.4 billion, India is the only nation which can rival China for number of people. India has around 25 million new babies born each year, which to put it in context significantly outweighs the mere 3.6m born each year in the USA. Clearly the difference is wealth, and disposable income, but India’s economy is fast on the rise with projections for it to become the number 3 or even potentially number 2 economy in the world by 2050.

India’s domestic Toy market is currently comparatively small with c. $400m USD in ‘official’ channel sales, and about 3 times that in more informal sales channels. But the point is growth potential, as per Lego’s investment in China which began several decades ago leading to a major market position today, so those moving now can grow alongside India’s economic growth in the next decade or two. Believe me when I say India is not an easy market – I have been working there for just over a decade, so I can confirm from hard earnt experience it isn’t easy, but whereas else can you expect to see high growth in a country with a massive number of under-served children?India represents the global Toy market’s biggest growth opportunity right now, and as such it is worth embracing the opportunity if you can afford to get in there early and develop a position while the market grows – just don’t expect it be easy!

Secondly, Africa has a high birth rate and has been under-served for Toys historically. I can’t claim to be an expert on anything to do with Africa, even grouping this gigantic continent into one entity is an insult to the diversity and scale of this place. But while India’s economy is set to rocket, I have not found any evidence of such growth coming from Africa – if any one reading this has the evidence to prove otherwise, please feel free to prove me wrong!



Well we got a long way into this newsletter without mentioning ‘The Don’, but now it’s time to discuss the disruptive force which is a Trump Presidency. I’m going to skip U.S. domestic politics because there are better sources to advise you on that. The one area though which seems set to be very disrupted is Sourcing, with Trump threatening heavy punitive tariffs on China, as well as some other countries closer to home i.e. Mexico. If heavy tariffs were imposed on imports from China & Mexico, it could be really bad for the Toy business. Like all things with Trump, what he says, or I guess more accurately what he threatens is not always the same as what he does. In some ways we have to admire his ability to get results and movement from other parties through threats and bluster without having to do anything too drastic – so hopefully the tariffs will not come to the Toy aisles, or at least if they do it’s on a much smaller scale than has been threatened.

But, hope is not a strategy! We have been very busy since Trump was re-elected helping clients to access the factories we rep for offering diversification away from China. We can expect to see an acceleration in production moving away from China due to the threat of tariffs and trade wars, this acceleration is regardless of the reality of whether tariffs are imposed or not, because businesses are now operating with a risk mitigation mindset.



The most consistent gripe I have heard from Toy retailers about 2024 is the lack of any special ‘WOW’ to act as the high tide to raise all ships, such as we saw with major fads and trends in some previous years.

Although I don’t try to view all the new Toy lines any more, because the offering is too vast for my peanut brain to absorb, I am hearing that the 2025 product development output is much stronger versus 2024. We should expect more investment into building ‘WOW’ factor products without licenses attached. Only a fool would try to predict when the next major trend will come along, but we can easily predict stronger investment in product innovation for 2025, which along side a much stronger movie slate this year should create more buzz for retail in 2025, and if we should happen to get a new mega trend then that would be extra gravy!



Based on the analysis above, we’re optimistically predicting mid-single digit growth in the Global Toy market in 2025, but as ever, this could be a great year for your company or a terrible one based on your product lines and sales efforts – good luck to everyone in turning 2025 into a very good year!



We represent the following factories both in and outside of China. All of these factories have the necessary certifications, have capacity, have a history of successfully supplying other Toy & Game companies:

Games factory in Vietnam – supplying cardboard, wood & plastic Games.

Games factory in India – supplying major Toy & Game companies with cardboard & plastic games.

Plastic & Electronic Toy Factory in India – major supplier, having supplied 4 out of 5 of the world’s biggest Toy Cos.

Plush factory in India - leading Plush factory with strong R&D skills.

Plastic Toy Factory in China (managed from Hong Kong) – strong track record of decades of supplying Toy companies around the world.

Board Games supplier in China – I have worked with this vendor for 20 years, they have supplied dozens of major & minor customers of mine.

If you would like more information on any of these factories or if you need help with a strategic approach to Sourcing or want to find specific factory types, please feel free to drop me a message.



We are representing a number of strong selling Games for international markets with established consumer demand in one or more markets. If you’re seeking proven Games to sell in your market/s please feel free to get in touch to arrange a meeting at one of the upcoming shows!



In the nearly 15 years I have been Consulting for, we have advised hundreds of companies, set up distribution into most major markets and helped to accelerate our client’s growth. For more information on how we can help, check out our services here: 



Exciting news for the Games business, our all-new BOARD GAME BIZ podcast has now gone live, with 8 Episodes available covering a wide range of commercial topics relating to the business of Board aka Tabletop Games.

If you want to check out this new podcast series, just click here to listen!



In Episode 1, we start with a comprehensive overview of the Board Games business. We explore the key components that drive the board game market. Whether you're an aspiring game creator, a Game entrepreneur, a seasoned professional, or simply a Board Game enthusiast, this episode will provide valuable insights into the commercial intricacies of the industry.



Navigating the retail landscape can be complex, but it's essential for the success of any board game. From selecting the right distribution channels to understanding retail pricing strategies, we'll cover it all. We'll also discuss how to establish and maintain relationships with retailers, the importance of packaging and shelf appeal, and how to leverage retail data to boost your game’s performance.


Whether you're a game developer looking to get your product on store shelves or a retailer wanting to enhance your board game offerings, this episode is packed with valuable insights to help you succeed. Let’s dive into the world of board games retail and uncover the strategies that can make your game a hit!



Board games are not just about fun and entertainment—they offer a multitude of benefits that can enrich people's lives in various ways. From fostering social connections and improving cognitive skills to reducing stress and enhancing creativity, the impact of board games goes far beyond the gaming table. We'll uncover how playing board games can strengthen family bonds, develop strategic thinking, and even boost mental health.

Whether you're a casual player, a dedicated gamer, or someone interested in the positive effects of board games, this episode is packed with insights that will make you appreciate the true value of this timeless hobby. We feel it's important to run through these very many benefits of Games so that you feel real motivation to sell more Games, the more Games you sell, and the more Games people play, the better we do for humanity!



Bringing a board game to market can be an exciting yet challenging journey. Many aspiring game designers face obstacles that prevent their game from reaching store shelves. Today, we'll explore the top five reasons why these efforts often fall short. From common pitfalls in game design and production issues to marketing mistakes and distribution challenges, we'll provide valuable insights to help you avoid these traps and successfully launch your game.



Today, we'll explore the essential steps to successfully market and sell your board game. From understanding your target audience and crafting compelling pitches to leveraging social media and maximizing retail opportunities, we'll cover all the bases. We'll also discuss common pitfalls and how to avoid them, ensuring that your game not only reaches the market but thrives.

 Whether you're a newcomer eager to launch your first game or a seasoned pro looking to boost your sales, this episode is packed with valuable tips and tactics to help you succeed. Let's get started and unlock the secrets to selling board games!



Whether you're an indie game designer looking to take your first steps into the global market or a seasoned publisher aiming to expand your reach, navigating international distribution can be a complex and daunting task. In this episode, we'll uncover the essential aspects of getting your games from your headquarters to the hands of players across the world.


We'll explore critical components such as the importance of cultural sensitivity and localization to ensure your game resonates with diverse audiences.



Making a living through board games or tabletop games might seem like a dream come true, but is it truly feasible? In this episode, we dive deep into the economics and realities of the board game industry. We'll explore what it takes to turn your passion into a full-time career, from designing and publishing your own games to working within the industry in various roles.


The episode is hosted by our very own Games business veteran Steve Reece, who has worked in the business of Board Games since the turn of the millennium, thus proving that any idiot can make a living in this realm if they are excessively lucky :)



Welcome to Episode 8 of our podcast, where we dive into the crucial topic of finding and managing reliable games factories to avoid major production disasters. In this episode, we unravel the secrets to identifying trustworthy factories and share strategies to ensure smooth production processes. Learn from a Games industry expert's top tips and experiences. Whether you're a seasoned game developer or just starting, this episode is packed with insights to help you navigate the complexities of game production. Stay tuned and let's get started!


Watch out for more insightful episodes coming soon. if you have particular topics you think we could record an episode on, please feel free to hit reply, and if we feel we can make an entire episode from your topic we will do our best!



Sign up to our Free Toy Industry Journal e-newsletter for the latest articles, podcasts, trends and insights into what’s going on in the Global Toy & Games business, just click here to sign up: 



Sign up to our Free Toy Industry Journal e-newsletter for the latest articles, podcasts, trends and insights into what’s going on in the Global Toy & Games business, just click here to sign up:

Well, we nearly made it to the end of 2024. It's been another 'interesting' year in the Toy & Game biz. We'll wait & see the real market data for the full year, but it's going to go down as tough year in general. A weak movie slate, relatively weak consumer demand and a lot of geopolitical turbulence.

On the bright side, expectations were set fairly low in general, and I think that inventory should be reasonable at year end, unlike some of the previous few years. 

The outlook for 2025 is better in my opinion. The movie slates look much stronger, which is a good start point. But also companies invested a lot in their own brands in 2024, and should be able to reap the benefits of that for a few years going forward in terms of higher sales on higher profitability products.

The big news in terms of turbulence heading into 2025 is of course the return of President Trump in the U.S. It was an interesting ride last time around, and this time it certainly looks like he has trade wars and tariffs in mind. Since his re-election, we have been very busy with customers scrambling around for alternative production sources to China. 2025 should be good years for the Toy factories we work with in Vietnam, India and Indonesia.

Anyway, I wanted to close out our content contributions for 2024 by sharing some recently released Videos where I run through some key topics related to Toys & Games:



This video looks at where Vietnam sits in the grand scheme of Toy & Game manufacturing. I recorded this on a recent trip to this very intriguing country. It  was hot, so apologies in advance for my attire and bedraggled appearance, but the video gives a good overview of Vietnam's manufacturing and also explains why Vietnam will never be 'The next China' when it comes to production:



This video is hopefully fairly self-explanatory, it looks at working with distributors, the pros, the cons and the things to watch out for. Very few Toy & Game companies have truly global distribution, pretty much every company in our industry relies on distributors to some degree, so this should be relevant for all:



There is one underlying and annoyingly obvious success factor in the business of Games. Watch this video to find out more:


On that last topic of Games, one of my realisations in 2024 was that I wasn't doing enough work in the Games category, which has always been my favourite space in the broader Toy biz. So, as part of doing more in the Games world, I launched a new podcast recently in case you missed that. There are 7 episodes currently up, and more pre-recorded set to be released soon. So if you want to know more about the commercial side of the (non-digital) Games business, check out the podcast here: 


Sign up to our Free Toy Industry Journal e-newsletter for the latest articles, podcasts, trends and insights into what’s going on in the Global Toy & Games business, just click here to sign up:

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